Monday, August 11, 2008

Family Reunion

The long-awaited Olsen Family Reunion finally came, and went, but not without a splash! and it was the funnest thing in the world! Traveling from near and far our family communed together with a single purpose in the Heart of Fairmont, British Columbia, Canada: and that was to have one of the best biannual celebrations on the face of this earth! We went boating, natural hot springing, sight-seeing, shopping, lounged around at the beach, tubing, had a talent show. The best part was, my family purchased a motor-home to get us to our destination! Man, what a way to travel! With a five-week old baby, a crazy three-year old girl, and six adults; It was clearly the best thing in the world! We could roam free about our home while driving sixty miles an hour down the highway! and get this! I even cooked a quesedilla, with ingredients from our stocked fridge, while driving through the state of Montana! AWESOME! We thought that traveling in the motor-home was so great, that we even extended our vacation by an entire week just to go see Mt. Rushmore! Man, what more of a rush could you ask for? We took a helicopter tour over the beautiful state of South Dakota and over the magnificently carved faces of our exotic former American heroes! It was Great! I got to sit in the cock-pit! and then we went on a train-ride through the rolling blackhills. And, the best part was, it turned out to be Sturgis week (Which ment nothing to me either, until we were there). Sturgis is the biggest Motorcycle rally in North America! Biker heaven! Dad and I resolved that we would go back one of these years, and he would let me drive a vespa around town. Amber and I are going to die our hair, and wear crazy headbands! I am so excited! The trip was great! I loved holding my new nephew every moment I could! What a bundle of joy! He is such a blessing to the little Eggli household! All in all, I love my Family!

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