The boat ride and dads old stompin grounds from the mission!
Now, after watching Finding Nemo, I now know why they made the seaguls always say mine! Cause, that is exactly what they did! And they were not dumb! They hung around our food and looked for every chance they could, the second after I snapped this photo I heard a gasp and then a "you crazy birds!!" from another gentlemen, if you notice, They waited till we were distracted and dove in for our friends food, there is a bird on the far right in this frame! It was pretty hilarious! and, they did win. And got away with his potatoe quishe stuff, quite frankly, I think the birds enjoyed it more than I did, it wasn't my favorite dish over there. Luckily I was eating chow mein noodles at this moment.
Sorry! Takin forever! Our last day in Australia we went to the Sydney harbor. By far my favorite event! It was simply divine! We got a tour of the opera house, the history of it, and then we took a ferry ride in the harbor, and went down little shops, and had just a delightful little time. We ended it by crossing the harbor bridge (which has a toll on it) 6 times, because we were not listening to our gps the way we should have. But, we finally got to where we needed to be, and the best part for Dad was that we found a ship that they had replicated after buying all of the blue prints for from the 17th century, it was a lot smaller than the ship that we are working on as a company, but it was very neat to see how everything went together on the riggings and throughout the quarters. It even got to sail around the world on a voyage and ended up back where it had been made. It was pretty fun for dad and us. And, our gps 'Matilda' as we called her led us safely back to our hotel afterwards to get ready for our 16 hour flight the next day that would only take one hour. We left Australia Thursday Morning at 9:00 aussie time, and got home at 10:15 AM Utah time. Man, all of us were pretty wackie w jet lag. it wasn't rare to find all of us sitting around awake at 4 in the morning still waiting to get tired. (if you notice some of my blogs . . . the times they were updated . . . yep, just waiting for the eyes to even think about drooping.) Pretty fun times!
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