Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Christmas Lights!!!

3 weeks . . . 
. . . . . 6 blown fuses. 
              . . . . 2 branch slaps to the eyeball. . . . . . 
And only a couple THOUSAND Lights Later . . . . 

And I Couldn't Be More ExCiTeD
About how Great our house looks this year! 

HaPpy HoLiDayS!!


Emily Nelson said...

Magical :) Miss you!

erin louise said...

Wow impressive

Stefanie said...

Oh my goodness! that's awesome! I've never know anyone personally who has decorated so well. Blums are my heros.

Unknown said...

I like the tree! Cool!

Anna Jay said...

Totally saw that last Wednesday night and I honked going by your house! I wanted to text you and tell you I loved it, but then I realized that I don't have your number anymore... uh, can I say FAIL?!

Also, why we're on the subject of me being creepy, there's a muppet in that new movie that reminds me of you and Kerri. Mixed into one. It's incredible!!!


